Hash Town

Thursday, October 28, 2004


i dont even have words right now...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

iRobot Wars?

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


this almost made me cry....


An ohio article, but not from Mike!



Monday, October 18, 2004


Its not over yet baby!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

*SIGH* Posted by Hello

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Experimental Data Collected.

Ha yeah mike called me out.

I've been playing around with a program called 'Hello' that allows you to have "photo-conversations" with people...basically it is a chat program that lets you easily transfer pictures to one another. Sounds simple, but you also have the ability to see what picture someone else is currently looking at and some other fun stuff. basically it has a nice slick interface and makes it easy for anyone (including your mom) to view photos together, via the INTERNET.

It also comes with a "blogger-bot", in which when I can create posts directly from 'Hello' with (or without) pictures...pretty cool.

......also I [HEART] Bowser

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

test Posted by Hello

None Posted by Hello

A serious question.

Has anyone found a drinking-game for the vice-presidential debate? I've been searching all morning, and have not found anything! If you have found one, please post it here.


Monday, October 04, 2004

Weekend Warriors

Classic story for y'all.

Saturday afternoon, me, my roomates and a couple other friends of mine decide to play some football out in the park. Of course, thinking we were tough, we decide to play tackle. 3 on 3, with the 7th man (who has a torn ACL) as the auto-QB. So the game goes fine for awhile, my team gets way ahead (up by 5 TD's), when the first injury occurs. Seems my friend (James) who was the hurt QB decides he also likes to tackle people. So he gets in a 3 man tackle and completely twists his knee...he goes DOWN writhing in pain. But after about 10 minutes, he is back up and ready to play (although later that evening he would be in incredible pain with a nice bag of frozen corn on his knee to keep down the swelling).

So we play a little bit longer. Im on defense this time, and the other team lines up in the I-formation (stupid when you have no line-man). I blitz because i could tell they were doing a hand-0ff (poorly, i might add) and end up trying to tackle the man with the ball, Andy. we collide FACE to FACE, and i go down with a split lip and a bloody nose. Awesome.

After about 5 minutes the blood and snot stop flowing out of my nose, and we get back to playing. 20 minutes later, my roomate Navin is trying to tackle my other roomate Tim, by grabbing the waistband of his sweatpants. But Tim struggled on and the waistband snapped back, and Navin goes down holding his hand in pain.

At the emergency room, they tell him that he broke his pinky and ring finger of his right hand, and to make matters worse, he has to have surgery this friday on the ring finger, to put a metal pin in it.

To make a long story short (though its probably too late for that now!), we are all sore, broken, and tired...from now on we will stick to watching it on TV!


P.S. to mike- this means navin cannot come out this weekend (surgery), so it will just be me and Julie visiting you and your lovely wife.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Well I'll be damned

Seems like someone is picking up the torch for this blog! thanks for bringing in some fresh content Mike, as I had almost forgotten about this little project of mine.

That being said, on to more exciting things.

So my take on the Presidential Debates. I think we can all agree on the following items now:

  1. Bush is a poor public speaker (not that I am a good public speaker by any means, but then again im not the one who has to talk to millions if not billions of people on a periodic basis)
  2. Kerry has a plastic smile.
  3. Bush is not the smartest Ivy-league man I've ever seen...
  4. I like muffins.
That is being about as nice about our current president I can be, dear reader, so I hope you give me props for my restraint.